Natalija Brumec
dipl. manualna terapevtka,
učiteljica joge,
CIMI inštruktorica masaže dojenčkov in
dipl. komunikologinja
Po dolgoletnem spogledovanju z bolj zdravim načinom življenja in številnimi izobraževanji v tujini iz holistike, masaž, prehrane, aromaterapije in joge, je Natalija v Avstraliji diplomirala pod okriljem Laureate International Universities na področju:
Remedial Massage Therapy.
Sedaj že več kot 6 let z masažnimi terapijami pomaga ljudem lažje priti do boljšega telesnega ravnovesja.
Delo izvaja po poglobljenem principu masažnih tehnik,
kjer se sistematično analizira vaša telesna drža.
Vsi smo edinstveni,
načini življenja ter navade ljudi pa različni, zato je potrebno vsak tretma prilagoditi prav vašim individualnim potrebam in prisluhniti problematiki telesa.
Ključ do dobrega počutja nosite v sebi!
"...na tej poti pa vam pomagam tudi jaz"
Sophia Gordon,
teacher, LONDON
Natalija has come to my rescue on numerous occasions in the past. She is a wonder worker when it comes to wry neck, sports injuries and twisted ankles. She is also incredibly attentive and intuitive; I feel completely relaxed and safe in her hands. I love how she invests in my recovery, always giving me stretches to practice at home. I always walk away feeling I've been treated like a queen, and my body thanks me (and her) every time.
Stephen Bayliss,
massage therapist, SYDNEY
I have been very lucky to receive treatments from Natalija. She has an amazing ability to pick up exactly what your body is needing: whether that be specific remedial massage on a targeted area or a more healing and intuitive massage that leaves you feeling incredible. Natalija is a warm and caring practitioner who I highly recommend.
Angela Slatter,
writer, BRISBANE
For two years I was travelling from Brisbane to Sydney every few months for work, and I always made a point of booking in for a treatment with Natalija when in Sydney. She helped enormously with my lower back and hip issues. Natalija is a professional therapist with a wonderful intuition for how to best help you and treat injuries.
Kara Leonard,
holistic therapist, DARWIN
Natalija has a genuine enthusiasm for personal growth and sharing that wisdom through her lived experience. In other words she 'walks her talk'. She is someone who shows curiosity in other people and has a great sensitivity to people's needs. This makes her a great massage therapist and a practitioner who understands that holistic perspective and approaches to healing works best. I highly recommend her services.
070 567 467 | zelenikenguru@outlook.com
1.nadstropje, Partizanska ulica 27, 2310 Slovenska Bistrica